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restless leg syndrome 【醫學】靜坐不適癥。


Background case reports and echocardiographic studies suggest that the ergot - derived dopamine agonists pergolide and cabergoline , used in the treatment of parkinson ' s disease and the restless legs syndrome , may increase the risk of cardiac - valve regurgitation 背景:病例報告和超聲心動圖研究提示,用于治療帕金森病和不寧腿綜合征的藥物?麥角?生物,多巴胺受體激動劑培高利特和卡麥角林,可能增加發生心臟瓣膜返流的風險。

Sleep - related movements syndromes . these syndromes comprise a special category related to behavioral or motor problems . periodic limb movements and restless leg syndrome are the most frequent diagnoses 睡眠相關運動綜合癥。這些綜合癥包括與行為或運動相關的一些特殊疾病,其中以周期性肢體運動和下肢不適綜合癥為最常見。

Will i pills for restless leg syndrome do anything for the coworkers restless mouth syndrome 治療我腿部由于整日奔波所患的多動綜合癥的藥丸是否能對同事們整日嘮嘮叨叨的嘴部綜合癥起作用呢?

Observation on therapeutic effect of acupuncture plus steaming - washing with chinese herbs for treatment of 40 cases of restless legs syndrome 針刺加中藥熏洗治療不寧腿綜合征40例療效觀察

Will my pills for restless leg syndrome do anything for a coworker with restless mouth syndrome 那個對于我的整日不休的腿有療效的藥片是否對同事那些整日不休的嘴有效呢?

Restless legs syndrome , rls 不安腿綜合征

Progress of diagnosis and therapy of restless leg syndrome in tcm and western medicine 不寧腿綜合征的中西醫診治概況

Linkage analysis of the candidate genes of familial restless legs syndrome 家族性不寧腿綜合征候選基因的連鎖分析

Therapeutic observation of acupuncture on restless legs syndrome 針刺治療不安腿綜合征療效觀察